Flaco | 2024
After I read an article about Flaco, the owl’s death in the NY Times, I decided to make Flaco’s SocksArt.
Flaco was an owl who escaped Central Park Zoo in 2023. Flaco subsequently resided in and around Central Park. His escape attracted significant public and press attention. I thought Flaco had a very  curious expression. He remained in Central Park, eventually wandering to nearby buildings and neighborhoods in Manhattan. In February 2024, one year after his escape, Flaco died after colliding with a building in Manhattan's Upper West Side. This SocksArt is in memory of Flaco.
owl | 2022
I wanted to express an owls sophistication as well as the many textures that owls have. So, I picked a special Uniqlo sock for the Owl’s belly. One day, when I was resting at a cafe, I recognized the same socks on a person sitting next to me… This SocksArt Owl looks very wise, so I added a mortar board.
©2024 Kishi | Herr
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