“Momotaro" is a Japanese traditional folklore story that is very well known in Japan. I created a Dog, a Monkey, and a Green pheasant who appear in this story. The monkey is a Japanese monkey, which is characterized by having a short tail, but not this SockArt monkey. I made the tail longer so it’s easier to capture the image of a monkey. This monkey has a mixed race, Japanese Monkey + Baboon. The dog wears a headband with a Hinomaru (the rising sun). The Green pheasant is the national bird of Japan which is characterized by its long tail.
Momotaro, as the story tells, was born from peaches, has been a familiar character for me ever since I was a child. When I searched Momotaro on the Internet, there were a variety of different character of  Momotaro that I didn't know before. For example, it is a story that had been handed down for centuries, so there are various plots to the story. The Momotaro, who was born from peaches, was seen for the first time in the early 19th century, Before then, grandfather and grandmother who ate peaches were rejuvenated and grandmother gave birth to Momotaro. Please look it up on Wikipedia
In February 2005, there was a performance of the play "Momotaro" at the Japanese Weekend School of NY. It was a special event performed by theater-loving volunteer teachers and students of the theater club. Students and parents attending Japanese Weekend School enjoyed watching the play. When I was making a SocksArt dog, I recalled the memory of my child, who likes theater, performed “Momotaro” on stage as the dog.
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