My niece in-law was going to have a baby girl around Easter time. So, I made SocksArt Easter bunnies and Issei (MIZU) composed the music for the coming baby whose name would be Rose. The music is titled “Bunnies in the Rose Field”. In 2023, I made a SocksArt Rabbit for my friend in Japan who has a pet rabbit. 2023 was also a year of the “Rabbit”, so I made an additional rabbit to commemorate the year 2023.
Rabbits have appeared in many classic stories such as “Peter Rabbit” “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, etc. My favorite rabbit stories are “Good Night Moon” and “The Runaway Bunny”, both written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd. “Good Night Moon” is the very first book I read to my baby child.
義理の姪がイースターの頃に、赤ちゃん(女の子)を出産するというので、うさぎのソックスアートを作りました。ローズと名付けられる生まれてくる赤ちゃんの為に、一生が作曲した曲は「ローズ畑のうさぎ」”Bunnies in the Rose Field” というタイトルです。2023年には、うさぎをペットにしている知人にソックスアートのうさぎを作って贈ったのと、その年は、卯年だったこともあり、もう一匹うさぎを作りました。
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